I’m a lover of all thing’s nature. I have a huge interest in Horticulture and Floristry with a past in Mining. I’ve always been a believer in self development and always give new things a try.

I become more focused on it in my late 20’s as I felt like I was stuck career wise and thought if I’m going to work, I want to do something I love. I was at a crossroads, struggling within myself and my identity, unsure of where my future would take me. I was working for a large company at the time and always tried really hard to please people within it but felt I was always seeking approval and direction from others instead of listening to my needs.

In my off time I was so busy catching up with friends and family plus doing pilates classes and any other hobby I was trying at the time. I looked like I had it all together, but inside I was a mess. Constant stress, anxiety and feeling like I was always failing at things.

I think the turning point was driving to work one day and hoping that I got a flat tyre so I didn’t have to go. That’s when I knew something had to change, I shouldn’t be dreading going to work to the point I was making myself sick with worry and looking for ways to avoid it.

I stumbled upon a kinesiologist and since then I felt like I had turned a corner. I noticed a significant change in my mindset and an improvement in my physical health. I slept better, had more energy and greater confidence. This is what I had been searching for.

That’s when I decided to study Kinesiology. I felt I could make a huge difference in people’s lives by helping them to reach that point of self-discovery. It’s so fulfilling and aligns with my true self in ways my other careers haven’t been able too.

My journey hasn’t been easy but I wouldn’t change it as it’s made me who I am and I wouldn’t feel this passionate about it if I hadn’t of hit that point. It has taught me the importance of listening to my body and my wants, setting healthy boundaries and taking care of what’s important to me.

I decided to practice in Gippsland as this is where I was born and have always felt a pull to come back. It has presented me with a good base for a business opportunity and allows me to stay close to family while still being around nature and close to unique and individual shops.

I decided it was the perfect place to launch into the world of small business and I can’t wait to be a part of your journey of growth and self- discovery.