Frequently asked


What is Kinesiology-

Kinesiology is a holistic healing that uses muscle monitoring to ask the body for feedback. This technique enables you to bypass your conscious mind to find the imbalance or blockages within your system.

What is it used for-

It is used to find imbalances or blockages within the body that are causing an imbalance. These imbalances could include but not limited to: Heightened emotions, short temper, physical pain, fear, lack of confidence, sleep problems, the list goes on.

When and where was it founded- 

This technique was developed by Chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart in the early 1960’s and then further research by Chiropractor Dr. John Thie in the early 1970’s. It is a natural therapy which relies on effective muscle reflex testing with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to use muscle reflex testing to tap into the subconscious mind to clear stress on all levels- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Information from By The Bay Kinesiology | Emotional and Metaphysical Kinesiology Kineasy Intro Manual.

What does bio- feedback mean-

The body’s reaction. So, for example during a session the biofeedback is the change in the muscle which is our indicator for stress.

Conscious vs subconscious mind- 

  • Conscious- defines all thoughts and actions within our awareness.

  • Subconscious- defines all reactions and automatic actions we can become aware of if we think about them. A good example is learning to drive a manual car. Once we know how we don’t think about gear changes or checking mirrors to indicate it’s just done.

What is Metaphysical and Emotional Kinesiology-

This is the style of Kinesiology I have studied. Metaphysical is a different way to look at things from a higher perspective rather than in a solid physical form way. That everything has a meaning and nothing is a coincidence. - Denise Robinson @By The Bay Kinesiology 

Does kinesiology diagnose or treat medical conditions-
Kinesiology does not treat or diagnose any medical conditions or named diseases nor do kinesiologists prescribe. Its focus is on correcting and supporting the underlying energies in the body that allows the body itself to heal. 

Can you have a kinesiology session if you are pregnant-

Yes, you can. Just make sure you let me know as there are some remedies and acupressure points that shouldn’t be used while pregnant.

Can my child have a session-

Yes, children are great to work with and respond very well. Depending on their age and how active they are will depend on how I can treat them. For example, if they can stay still with a bit of encouragement, I can do the session on them with input from the parent and if they are very active I can have the parent come in and get you the channel or surrogate the child and treat from there.

Can Kinesiology be used for weight loss?

Kinesiology can help to find the underlying reasons and emotions tied with it. Once you are balanced you will find achieving your goal easier and more rewarding. As with anything it takes time and commitment.

Can Kinesiology be used for anxiety?

We can unlock the pattern, emotions and an age of cause/ best understanding as to where or why it started and in turn you can work towards being free of it. It’s all about aligning the energy within the system, this will take time and commitment but you will get there. I myself have seen great improvements from regular visits.

Can Kinesiology be used for menopause? 

Kinesiology will help balance the energy system and help with blockages and with the emotions and symptom. Please note it’s not a cure, we can only help identify the imbalance and rectify these.

Can Kinesiology be used for allergies?

Keep in mind some people are more sensitive and react to certain pollen/ plants. I am simply removing the layer of ‘stress’ attached. Please note it’s not a cure, we can only help identify the imbalance and rectify these which will hopefully reduce the symptoms and let the body heal naturally.

Can Kinesiology be used for sciatica?

Like with all things stresses or imbalances within the body can manifest into physical symptoms. Once the energy is balanced and aligned it will remove the layer of stress which will help the body heal itself naturally. It’s not a quick fix and will take time as it can be caused from years of imbalanced energy.

Kinesiology vs Reiki, what’s the difference-

While there are similar cross overs like some of the energy systems (chakras and auras) plus energy work as a remedy. Kinesiologists use the indicator muscle for feedback regarding the clients current state and use this feedback to rectify the imbalances. The emotions attached are discussed and a wide range of remedies like colour, oils, sound, etc are used to rectify the imbalance until the indicator muscle holds, which shows the imbalance is rectified. A Reiki Practitioner uses their hands to deliver universal energy to the body to improve flow and balance of your energy to support healing.